Streamline Borrower Communications
Easily collect documents, share loan updates, and assign activities within a portal branded with your logo to make borrower communications smoother and the loan process more convenient.
Customize with your own logo, colored banner, and highly personalized settings.

Interact with your borrower via an integrated mobile experience on any device.

Real-time communication with the borrower on their terms with email or text messaging.

Give your borrower assignments to complete and notify them of their loan progress.

Document Management
Allows borrower to capture their license or other documents via mobile camera and upload directly to MyLoanCenter.

Access your portal directly through AFR Loan Center where you already manage your pipeline.

Realtor Access
Choose if you’d like to provide transparency into the loan process for the realtor by giving them limited access to see loan statuses.

Learn More About AFR’s Technology
Speak with a representative today and see how we can help you gain more business.